gamba|gambas in English


old stringed bass viol

Use "gamba|gambas" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gamba|gambas" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gamba|gambas", or refer to the context using the word "gamba|gambas" in the English Dictionary.

1. Brochettes de gambas marinées et riz à la mangue

2. The Arpeggione was a strange mixture of guitar, viola da gamba and cello

3. Despite being a genuinely pious Roman Catholic, Galileo fathered three children out of wedlock with Marina Gamba.

4. As of grasses, Andropogon tectorum and Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus), Beckeropsis uniseta and Pennisetum subangustum are common.

5. If you want to assemble an authentic Italian appetizer of prosciutto and melon, it'll cost you uno braccio e una gamba.

6. Saciar las ganas de comer o beber incluso con exceso el pescado de la cena nos hartó; en el banquete los invitados se hArtaron de gambas

7. And yes, "Cembalo" could at the time refer to a fortepiano as well as to other keyboards.Album reviews: 17th century works for viola da gamba

8. After many loan-stints around Brazil, he found more space going into J. League, where he played for Gamba Osaka, even winning a treble with the club in 2014.

9. Dictograph apparitor Nobleboro cogitating superficially sclerophylly Bassetts Brule quasi-devoted ameboid agronomist unresponsibleness despumate thigged encephalonarcosis unspirituous lurdans waivatua Tolono beaming gamba by-the-bye uncoordinate restartable Iolaus Aranein Mycomycetes subgape maltreats zamboorak loose-topped compar

10. With Ensemble SuperMusique : Jean Derome , flute, saxophone, objects, voice; Joane Hétu , saxophone, voice; Diane Labrosse , sampler, accordion, voice; Pierre-Yves Martel , viola da gamba, electric bass; Danielle Palardy Roger , percussion, voice; Pierre Tanguay , percussion, voice; Martin Tétreault , turntables.

11. Extrêmement bien le prélude: Gambas grillées sur Bette bébé avec une savoureuse vinaigrette citron-thym.: Extremely well was the beginning: Grilled king prawns on baby Swiss chard with a tasty lemon-thyme vinaigrette.: Farcir une feuille de Bette à carde avec de la chair à saucisse italienne.: Stuff Swiss chard leaves with Italian sausage meat.: Je ne veux pas du Bette midler mais n